
What people say about our encounter
What people say about our encounter

\TVM - Triple Vagal Method: What people said

  • Cecilia
    I had an amazing session with Eva. Her way of holding space is incredible and I would recommend it to everyone. TVM is a very gentle but deeply healing technique. I felt so relieved after the session and got so many insights that I haven’t received in any kind of sessions before also, Eva is incredible and her being allows you to experience and go deep.
  • Agnes
    Eva is a beautiful therapist with great insight and compassion. She has been helping me through my shadow work journey by teaching me how to release my trauma's somatic responses with the Triple Vagal Method. She taught me how to ground myself and how to reconnect with my body. I am forever grateful for her support.
  • Shelley
    I’ve lived with IBS for 13 years. For years, I tried everything – acupuncture, hypnotherapy, medication, CBD – but nothing made a real, lasting difference. Then Eva introduced me to the Triple Vagal Method and my health improved dramatically. For 10 months now, I’ve been using the techniques I learned from Eva. These days, I do the exercises once or twice a week, I’m careful about what I eat, and I try to be aware of how stress affects me.
    Eva is intuitive and highly perceptive in the way she works with the mind and the body. She might uncover things you didn’t know about yourself... She’s an artist and healer, with a hint of magician! - Shelley

\Somatic Embodiment: What people said

  • Lauranne
    I took part in a retreat with Eva in Mexico - Rite Of Passage. This woman has a gift to hold safe and caring containers. It allowed me to deeply open, in the sensations of my body and to connect with emotions that I was carrying! She is creative, compassionate, generous and very sensitive. I absolutely loved being led by her through somatic exercises and morning yoga sessions. Thank you for your energy and your full presence every time we connected together. I felt I was with a wise sister.
  • Stacha
    The embodied movement workshop pushed me beyond my comfort zone while simultaneously making me feel held and safe. I pushed through many layers of numbness through the experience & learned a lot of practical tools that are subtly but profoundly transforming my relationship to my body. Eva is an exceptional & inspiring space holder. I am so glad that I took this workshop, I recommend it to anyone who wants to live a more deliciously embodied life!
  • David
    The workshop was a combination of exploring movement and balance individually and with partners, and expressing our feelings with our voices. At times in this workshop I found myself processing deep emotions, and at other times beaming with enjoyment in the sensations of moving my body. I tried some exercises that were well outside my comfort zone while feeling the group’s support. I felt connected quickly with the group and noticed how good it felt to trust others. I felt comfortable to go deep because Eva’s facilitation made the space feel safe, non-judgmental, and a lot of fun. She is a beautiful soul with a unique gift. I’d do this workshop again in a heartbeat.
  • Victoria
    I attended the workshop «Coming home to you body» with Eva and I truly felt more connected to my body and it’s language. Sharing a space together for body expression, movement and sound is very powerful. Eva holds a very safe space for us to have fun, relax and drop the mind in order to fully tune into the body.
  • Theo
    I was a part of the retreat and had a very expansive experience! I really appreciate Eva’s seamless approach to addressing both the physical and emotional/spiritual aspects of movement.
  • Rory
    The retreat Coming Home To Your Body, was very well run and Eva facilitated very skilfully. The program was well considered and structured and had a good blend of different types of movement and embodiment practices, with individual, paired, and group practices. The theory about the body and how it works was also very helpful. I felt very connected to myself and others after the retreat. One thing I took away that I value very much was that I found my singing voice: for the first time in my life I sang solo in front of other people and I loved it. It was organic and I didn't feel forced at any time. I can highly recommend this workshop and Eva as a facilitator.
  • Elliott
    I took Eva's somatic embodiment course and found it a very good experience. Each day I left feeling warm and fuzzy and wanting to hug people on the streets. The content was a well rounded blend of connecting exercises, breathing, contact with partners, dance, anatomy, connecting voice with movement and lots of other little fun exercises including massage and partner trust. Eva holds a solid container and her experience, depth and knowledge shows through her confidence in her presentation. Highly recommended teacher to learn from.
  • Oxy
    I want to thank Eva for this two day Somatic Workshop in Thailand. I ignored my body and its signals for too long and events like this are exactly what I need! Thank you Eva for the opportunity to hear my body’s inner voice and myself better. It was light, playful and fun while being informative, very useful and a deep transformative journey.