Authentic & Creative Expression

Embodiment, breath, voice & sound
Authentic & Creative Expression
Embodiment, breath, voice & sound
I believe we are all born artists.
We can all dance, sing and create beautiful things. And the greatest work of art is our own life.

As an embodiment coach, I want to help you find, liberate, and embody your true self, remove blocks, release attachments to false identities, and return to your divine essence.

Allowing authentic and creative expression to pass through you through various channels such as voice, movement, sound, and other forms of embodiment , while becoming in charge of your own energy and life.
Channeling your creative truth
Sound and movement are integral aspects of everything. When we tune into our inner motions through sound, breath and movement we become powerful co-creators and oracles for nature. This allows us to embody and release the electro-magnetic codes of the sensitive ecosystem held by earth consciousness. Our archetypal truth is then able to weave through, heal, and co-create with the elemental forces of this plane of existence.

The ultimate goal of this exploration of your inner landscape is to break through a state of overcoming traumas and resistance, unleashing your body’s authentic & creative expression, liberating your voice.
Channeling your creative truth

Sound and movement are integral aspects of everything. When we tune into our inner motions through sound, breath and movement we become powerful co-creators and oracles for nature. This allows us to embody and release the electro-magnetic codes of the sensitive ecosystem held by earth consciousness. Our archetypal truth is then able to weave through, heal, and co-create with the elemental forces of this plane of existence.

The ultimate goal of this exploration of your inner landscape is to break through a state of overcoming traumas and resistance, unleashing your body’s authentic & creative expression, liberating your voice.

woman expressing her truth through her expression
The Process - Emotional Alchemy
In our work together, we will remember and celebrate sound, movement and creative expression as sacred birthrights, ways of life, and keys to self-discovery, community building and collective healing.

Through breath, trans state, tribalism, expression of your voice in movement, sounding, other embodiment practices and the ancient knowledge of the snake energy, we will together create and hold space for your indigenous nature which are; movement and sound to arise, allowing you to release conditioned rigidity and remember your deeper forms of expression, rising from the earth’s knowledge.
The Process - Emotional Alchemy

In our work together, we will remember and celebrate sound, movement and creative expression as sacred birthrights, ways of life, and keys to self-discovery, community building and collective healing.

Through breath, trans state, tribalism, expression of your voice in movement, sounding, other embodiment practices and the ancient knowledge of the snake energy, we will together create and hold space for your indigenous nature which are; movement and sound to arise, allowing you to release conditioned rigidity and remember your deeper forms of expression, rising from the earth’s knowledge.

Our ancestors used sound and movement for rituals, for healing and journeying deep within, for communicating with spirits of nature and gathering in community - today we experience it, or should we say, consume it mainly as entertainment.

In a trauma-informed and inclusive space, you will tune to your own discovery channel and learn to move out of the way of your own self.

Through facilitated states of presence, we will work together to overcome subconscious resistance and fully surrender to what’s alive within. This process will involve navigating the challenges of being seen with compassion and empathy, as resistance can often reveal the most valuable aspects of our authentic-expression.

By creating a supportive container where authentic and raw expression are welcomed, you have the potential to experience profound revelations about yourself.

Authentic & Creative Expression workshop - a group of people dancing freely in a art room
Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, and focus on the present sensation in your body.
  • Do you feel disconnected from your true self and struggle with building that connection?
  • Do you desire to fully awaken your potential yet are uncertain how to do so?
  • Do you wish to break free from harmful patterns and behaviours?
  • Do you aspire to be your most authentic self and unleash your creativity but struggle to do so?

If any of these resonate with you, then your body wisdom can guide you forward.

I believe that the key is already rooted in your inherent body wisdom, readily available for you to tap into. Together, we develop the skills to tune in and utilize this guidance to ultimately unlock the best version of yourself.

Let me assist you in building a reliable and authentic relationship with this inherent intelligence which lies within you, so that you can confidently embark on your embodied journey to freedom and become in charge of your energy and life.

I offer this modality in a 1:1 embodiment coaching:
-> more information on 1:1 coaching
-> book a discovery call

and in my workshops and retreats

-> upcoming workshop & retreats

Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, focus on the present sensation in your body.
  • Do you feel disconnected from your true self and struggle with building that connection?
  • Do you desire to fully awaken your potential yet are uncertain how to do so?
  • Do you wish to break free from harmful patterns and behaviours?
  • Do you aspire to be your most authentic self and unleash your creativity but struggle to do so?

If any of these resonate with you, then your body wisdom can guide you forward.

I believe that the key is already rooted in your inherent body wisdom, readily available for you to tap into. Together, we develop the skills to tune in and utilize this guidance to ultimately unlock the best version of yourself.

Let me assist you in building a reliable and authentic relationship with this inherent intelligence which lies within you, so that you can confidently embark on your embodied journey to freedom and become in charge of your energy and life.

I offer this modality in a 1:1 embodiment coaching:

-> more information on 1:1 coaching

-> book a discovery call

and in my workshops and retreats

-> upcoming workshop & retreats